- Human RightsReports
- January 27, 2008
- 3 minutes read
ٍSHRC Seventh Report on the status of Human Rights in Syria 2008
The Seventh Report on Human Rights Status in Syria covers the period from the beginning of June 2006 to the end of 2007. The report was due to be published on 27th of June 2007, however the Syrian Human Rights Committee (SHRC) decided that its annual report be issued in January of every year instead.
Deterioration of the status of human rights in Syria accelerated on all levels through collective detention of the civil society and human rights activists in the wake of the issue of the Damascus-Beirut Declaration and its ramifications in May 2006, which resulted in the expansion of vengeful and punitive detentions and measures on all levels. The situation worsened also when the authorities launched a second crackdown that involved 40 activists from among the members of the National Council of the Damascus Declaration on the 9th and 10th of December 2007, after they had held a conference during which they elected a new leadership.
Kurds were targeted, but not as fiercely as during previous periods. Dozens of them were released after they had been detained for sympathising with the treacherously murdered Sheikh Muhammad Ma”shooq al-Khaznawi. Some political activists were detained and then released after various terms without any sentences being passed against them. Yet the authorities did not hesitate to shoot at them with live bullets when they rallied in the streets of al-Qamishli and “Ain al-“Arab, causing a number of casualties among them.
The Exceptional Supreme State Security Court enhanced its unjust rulings quantitatively and qualitatively against whoever had any relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood Movement and strongly relied therein on Law No. 49, which sentences them to death. It favoured the detainees accused of affiliation to Islamic movements with the severest unjust judgments.
Random and arbitrary detentions continued for the most insignificant or even no causes. The Syrian regime went on routinely and systematically employing torture on the widest scale. Meanwhile, the lists of those prevented from travel, dismissed from their jobs, deprived of their civil rights and stripped off their nationality got rapidly longer and longer.
The Syrian authorities still insist on ignoring the large number of cases of disappearance whilst in jail, of those displaced and exiled due to oppression and of the Arabs detained and in prison. It is not only heedless to the suffering of the Syrian exiles in Iraq, who lived their worst days there, but it increased their suffering by detaining the returnees among them and inciting others against them. Besides, the authorities did not deal seriously with any initiative to find out through neighbouring countries, the fate of those detained or lost. The Syrian regime activated the practice of capital punishment and shot those who participated in vigils and demonstrations on the streets. Many citizens died because of torture and people were silenced and deprived of the freedom of expression. The regime still monopolises the media and blocks more and more websites on the Internet.
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