(CSID) Invite you to a discussion of Egypt’s Muslim


THE CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF ISLAM AND DEMOCRACY (CSID) Invite you to a discussion of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood:





Mr. Robert Dreyfuss

Author of “Devil’s Game” and Journalist, Rolling Stone


Sameer Jarrah

Visiting Fellow at Brookings Institute


Dr. Bruce Rutherford

Assistant Professor of Political Science, Colgate University


Thursday, June 7, 2007, from 12:00 to 2:00 pm

Location:  Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy

1625 Massachusetts; Avenue, N.W., Suite 601; Washington, D.C. 20036

Brown Bag Lunch


Political development in Egypt and, indeed, the whole Muslim world cannot be assessed without understanding Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood (MB). The MB’s origins in the 1920s make it one of the earliest Islamist movements. Though Egypt’s MB has renounced the violence and assassinations of its first decades, it remains officially banned but nonetheless exerts a major influence throughout Egypt’s political and social life. Its 88 MPs (formally “independents”) make up the largest opposition bloc in the National Assembly. No other opposition group can claim the mass following of the Brotherhood, nor, outside of politics, can any non-government rival the MB as a provider of social, educational, and health services.  MB supporters take leading roles in professional groups, student organizations, labor unions, and other civil society groups. MB supporters also exert influence through their role as investors in private and publicly-traded companies. Beyond Egypt, the MB inspires and influences popular Islamist organizations from Morocco to Indonesia. Is the MB a potential partner in building a just and democratic Egypt, an ongoing threat to this aim, or somewhere in between? Please join us for an expert panel review of the MB, its early history, current place in Egypt’s political and social life, and possible future directions. 


SIGN UP NOW! Admission will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no charge to attend the program.

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