• September 18, 2014
  • 6 minutes read

100 Days of Al-Sisi Rule: Flagrant Violations, Usurped Rights, Politicized Vindictive Justice

100 Days of Al-Sisi Rule: Flagrant Violations, Usurped Rights, Politicized Vindictive Justice

 Egyptian Observatory for Rights and Freedoms (EORF) issued a report about rights and freedoms abuses suffered by Egyptians during the first 100 days of Al-Sisi rule, after monitoring and documenting human rights violations in Egypt, violations of fair trials, assaults and abuse of women and children, absurdly unjust legislation, and violations against journalists, media professionals, and citizens of north Sinai.

In its report, EORF affirmed that unfair trials remained the main title of the first 100 days of Al-Sisi rule, which witnessed numerous violations and total disregard for the norms of legal and international covenants on human rights which prohibit the arbitrary arrest or detention of individuals.

The EORF report noted that most of those arbitrarily arrested were rounded up in opposition demonstrations while expressing desire to restore the spirit of the January 25 (2011) Revolution and to apply its principles of freedom, democracy and human dignity.

EORF referred to human rights violations like arbitrary arrest, detention, torture and extrajudicial killings that affected all segments of society, highlighting that hundreds were arrested from their homes after violent raids that deliberately trashed those homes’ contents.

Furthermore, systematic violence against women and children increased and spread widely in all jails, police stations and detention centers. Violations inside places of detention – especially assaults on and rapes of minors in detention – were clearly systematic, using the same identical methods and mechanisms.

Detainees were subjected to grievous physical and sexual abuse. Serious and scandalous violations of the law were also documented. The public prosecutor authorized remand in custody of underage children (under 15). The increased violence against women happened both during their arrest and when they were transfered to places of detention. Rape of detained women and girls persisted.

During the 100 days, the army continued to commit war crimes against civilians in northern Sinai. Murders and extrajudicial executions became the most prominent feature of these army violations. Crimes of arbitrary arrest and detention as well as systematic torture in armed forces prisons in Ismailia’s Galaa district (called Azuli Prison) and in Suez’s Agroud Prison.

Read the reports in Arabic at the following links…

Report on violations in 100 days of Al-Sisi rule:


Report on violations against women in 100 days of Al-Sisi rule:


Report on violations in northern Sinai in 100 days of Al-Sisi rule:


Report on trials in 100 days of Al-Sisi rule:


Report on violations against children in 100 days of Al-Sisi rule:
