- MB News
- June 19, 2009
- 1 minute read
11 MBs Arrested including Member of Executive Bureau, Mahmoud Hussein
Dr Mahmoud Hussein, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood Executive Bureau and Ten more Upper Egypt leaders were arrested during an early morning raid by Egyptian Security Forces in a new security crackdown targeting peaceful reform and development activities carried out by the Muslim Brotherhood.
It is widely known that over the past decades the governorates of Upper Egypt have been neglected by the Egyptian government. In the nineties Upper Egypt has suffered fierce and bloody clashes waging between the Egyptian Security Forces and armed groups. It is revealed that the Muslim Brotherhood has been consistent in condemning violence and terrorism against civilians and Copts.
These arrests and violations of human rights will not deter the Muslim Brotherhood movement from continuing its attempts in reform and peaceful development. The movement is determined to promote its operations through networks of social and NGOs in alleviating the suffering of Egyptians as well as contributing to its development, progress and reform.