- Human RightsPrisoners of Conscience
- July 19, 2009
- 2 minutes read
15 days renewal detention for Dr Mahmoud Hussein and ten MB members
The Prosecutor-General of Qena’s Prosecution over-ruled the renewal of detention for eleven MB leaders yesterday. Dr. Mahmoud Hussein, member of the MB Guidance Bureau was at the top of the list. They will remain in custody for a further fifteen days anticipating further investigations, as stated in report No. 4016 of 2009 Naga Hammadi Administration.
The rest of the detainees are:
– Hammam Ali Yusuf (Suhag)
– Dr. Mohamed Kamal (Prof. of E.N.T Assiut University)
– Dr. Ali Ezzedin Sabet (Prof of Ophthalmology, Assiut University)
– Seif Eldin Maghreb (Qena)
– Ammar Hassan Hanafy (Inspector of antiques in Luxor)
– Khalaf Allah Bahnasawy (Employee in the Ministry of Education)
– Abdullah Makhlouf (Employee in Kima Factory in Aswan)
– Sayed Abdullah (Employee at Al-Dawa Schools in Suhag)
– Gamal Ali Selim
– Dr. Khaled El-Sayeh
The State Security Services arrested the group on the 19th June 2009, while they were in the hospitality of Dr. Khaled El-Sayeh in Naga Hammadi.
During yesterday”s investigations , Dr. Mahmoud Hussein insisted on meeting with Chancellor Mohamed Attia, the Prosecutor-General of North Qena’s Prosecutions, to describe the suffering of the six ill MB detainees. Attia responded to the request by agreeing to meet with the rest of the detainees.
Attia emphasized that he sent their medical reports and their complaints to the Chancellor Hesham Badawi, the first Prosecutor General of the State Security Prosecutions. He placed an appeal for their medical release and is waiting for the response. The detainees were surprised by the Prosecution”s decision to renew the detention of the group for a further fifteen days.