- Human RightsIslamic MovementsMB News
- November 20, 2007
- 3 minutes read
15 Sharqiya, 7 Dakahlia MBs Arrested

State security forces raided on Tuesday dawn houses of and arrested 15 Muslim Brotherhood (MB) in the Egyptian northern governorate of Sharqiya, to continue the ongoing campaign against the moderate group nationwide.
The detainees are:
Ibrahim Mohamed Al-Imam Al-Barrag, engineer
Abd Al-Salam Al-Sayyed Ali Ahmed, teacher
Mohamed Al Baz Sibaq, accountant
Al-Sayyed Fathi Tawagin, freeman works
Ibrahim Al Anwar Radwan, merchant
Suleiman Kahoush, pensioner
Ahmed Tawfik, merchant
Samir Al-Saeedi, freeman works
Moselhi Imam Khalifa, an employee at the ministry of Education
Al Sayed Ahmed Al Nagar, free works
Ali Ahmed Ismail Shanshana, a worker
Tawfik Mahmoud Salem, BA of Commerce
Hussein Saad, mathematics teacher
Ali Saad, an employee at the ministry of endowments
Youssef Al Sayed Youssef, free works.
During the raid, the security forces seized jewels of the wife of Tawfik Mahmoud Salem and other precious belongings and the PC of Ahmed Tawfik and the PC of Mohamed Al Baz.
This raises to 63 the number of those detained in the security campaign launched in the governorate of Sharqiya since last Fitr Feast (Lesser Bairam). Five are detained at Zagazig public prison while the other detainees are under provisional detention in Wadi Al-Natrun prison.
In a related context, the State Security Police in the governorate of Dakahlia launched on Tuesday at other barbaric raids on a number of MB members, detaining 7:
Ali Mossad Ahmed Siyam from the village of Aweish Al-Hajar
Ibrahim Farag, from the city of Nabarouh
Dr. Maysara Qadri, from Talkha
Ahmed Al Slkawi, from Mansoura
Mohsen Al Sharqawi, from Mansoura
Saad Dabour, from Mansoura
Eng. Mostafa Al Dib, district of Aga.
To intimidate children and women, the security forces broke doors of the flats doors and seized PCs and books. While storming the house of Ali Siyam, the forces broke the main door of his house, searched the upper floor housing him and disheveled the furniture. They even searched his car after seizing the PC and some books.
This sweep comes only one week after a previous campaign in which the MB administrative official Dr. Mohamed Abdul Rahman was arrested along with 10 MB members in the governorate. Also, Abdul Fattah Mohamed Abdul Maqsoud of Al Senbelawin district was snatched last Saturday while he was walking in a streets and he appeared before the prosecution on Monday and it ordered him jailed for 15 under investigation.