
Calling the Muslim Brotherhood

I called senior Muslim Brotherhood leader Essam El-Erian on his cell phone and asked for an interview. He is the Brotherhood’s smooth media man, the go-to guy journalists like to

The Brotherhood’s Bloc Requests Information on Monopoly of Sugar Industry

The Muslim Brotherhood’s MP, Gamal Carney, introduced an information request to the Premier and both ministers of Investment and Industry. The request pertains to the selling of Delta Company for

Brotherhood’s Statements on the Death of Sudanese Refugees in Egypt

The Muslim Brotherhood condemns the brutality of the Egyptian security force used against the Sudanese refugees while evacuating their camps leaving twenty deaths. The Muslim Brotherhood requests an urgent investigation

The Victims of the Parliamentary Polls Demonstrate Today

On Monday, Liberty Committee of the Bar Association and the National Committee for Defending Opinion-related Prisoners arrange a demonstration. The wounded people, families of detainees and dead victims of the

Time to take a stand on Egypt’s democracy

For those who wonder why the Egyptians, in describing their elections, use the Arabic word for "battle" rather than "campaign," the recent parliamentary elections provided a useful explanation. During the