
Copts Refuse Discussion of Their Affairs Outside Egypt

In statements to the Ikhwanweb, the Coptic well-known thinker, Dr. Rafiq Habib, asserted that the referral of the Coptic question to the U.N. Commission on Human Rights and the discussion

State Dept: US still strives for Mideast democracy

The United States remains committed to pressing for more democracy in the Middle East despite victories by Islamic fundamentalists in recent elections in Egypt and the Palestinian Authority, top US

Hamas unlikely to moderate stance now that it controls Palestinian government

Levitt: Hamas unlikely to moderate stance now that it controls Palestinian government U.S. treasury department official says ne

Egyptian Islamists hamstrung by Mubarak’s dominance

 Many Egyptians’ high hopes for the Muslim Brotherhood - the conservative Islamists they elected to parliament last winter - have been disappointed. The outspoken group has used its newfound presence

Egypt: Reformers Feel Deserted by US and State Dept. Denies

Egyptian opposition leaders and democrats are asking whether, as America concentrates upon encouraging democracy in Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan, Washington has abandoned its policy of pressing President Mubarak into liberalizing

The Future of the Democratic Movement in Syria

Radwan Ziadeh is editor of Tayyarat magazine, Director of the Damascus Center for Human Rights Studies, and a member of several human rights associations in Syria.   He wrote about 10

Islamic Preacher Ripped for Reform Push

 Islamic televangelist Amr Khaled is young, smiling, teaches love and mercy and is so popular he’s credited with inspiring thousands of women -- turned off by dour, traditional clerics --

A Model Democracy Is not Emerging in Iraq”

Francis Fukuyama was a life-long neo-conservative prior to the election of the Bush Administration. The Iraq war led him to change his mind. SPIEGEL ONLINE spoke to Fukuyama about the

Akef: Dictatorship is the cause of the Distress Egyptians are Suffering From

The Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood, Mr. Mohamed Mahdi Akef, asserted that Muslim Brothers (MBs) have no objection to the formation of political parties for all those who want to engage

Tony Blair’s speech to the Foreign Policy centre

Over these past nine years, Britain has pursued a markedly different foreign policy. We have been strongly activist, justifying our actions, even if not always successfully, at least as much