
Israeli Children Send Gifts To Lebanese Children

 Israeli children sends gifts to Lebanese children       Israeli girls write messages on a shell at a heavy artillery position near Kiryat Shmona, in northern Israel, next to

Power Ploy

Why three Arab regimes are publicly aligning themselves against Hezbollah and Iran. As Israel and Lebanon spiral into ever-bloodier war, all eyes are on Tel Aviv, Washington, Tehran, and Damascus.

Egyptian Demonstrators Demand Access to Fight Israel: Muslim Brotherhood

The Muslim Brotherhood English-language website Ikhwanweb reports Egyptians demonstrators in Cairo and Dakahlia are requesting that they the borders be opened to let them fight Israel. Muslim Brotherhood executive member

All Hell Breaks Loose in the Middle East

U.S. President George W. Bush and his neoconservative advisers had pledged that after ousting Saddam Hussein they would succeed in transforming "liberated" Iraq into a prosperous democracy that would serve

Ten MB Members Detained For Their Support of Resistance

Security forces on Thursday July 20,2006, arrested ten of  Muslim Brotherhood members in Ismaeliya, a Suez Canal governorate, acussing them of writing some phrases on the street walls which read" Together with

MB Chairman Says Election Is a Crucial vehicle for Reform

MB Chairman Says Election Is a Crucial vehicle for Reform In an interview with two researchers from George Town University Wednesday July 19, 2006, Muslim Brotherhood Chairman Mohamed Mahdi Akef

MB Parliamentary Bloc Holds a Conference In Support of Resistance

Under the slogan"Resistance is the Road to Victory", the Muslim Brotherhood Parliamentary Bloc held a conference in Alexandria in solidarity with the Palestinian and Lebanese people. A host of politicians

Human Rights Organization Calls for Release of MB Detainees

The Arab Human Rights Network released a statement Thursday July 20, 2006, callling for the release of the MB prisoners of conscience, foremost among whom are Dr. Rashad Bayoumi , Dr. Essam

Jordan: Relief Supplies for Palestinian and Lebanese People

The Islamic movement in Jordan (Muslim Brotherhood and the Islamic Action Party) organizes a rallying procession Friday July.21, 2006, in solidarity with the Palestinian and Lebanese resistance and to condemn

Egyptian Women Demonstrate in Solidarity with Lebanese Women and Children

Hundreds of Egyptian women staged a demonstration Thursday july.20, 2006, at Khalafaqi Square, Cairo, condemning the Arab rulers for their failure to put an end to the brutal Israeli aggression.