
Falahat Slams Russia For Adding MB To List of Terrorist Groups

In a statement to Ikhwanweb, Jordanian MB Chairman Salem el Flahat lashed out at Russia for its decision to place the Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood on the list of terrorist groups. Flahat attributed this

Libyan MB Applauds Reform Initiatives Proposed By Gaddafi’s Son

In its first comment on the reform initiatives proposed by Saif el Islam al Gaddafi, the son of Libyan President, the Muslim Brotherhood chapter in Libya issued a statement hailing

Egypt: Heshmat’s Case May Go Before International Court

Ten months have passed since the Egyptian parliamentary elections in 2005, and the Egyptian court hasn’t yet issued its ruling on the vote rigging and other election irregularities. Cases of

MB Demands Fact Finding Committee on Train Disaster

The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt issued a statement on the recent train crash which claimed the lives of tens of people and the injury or hundreds others. The group said

Survey: Over Half of Hollywood Stars against Israeli Aggression

A poll conducted and included 15 prominent Hollywood stars showed that eight of them are against the war on Lebanon while two called for the stop of war, citing its horrific repercussions. One

Nicole Kidman has made a public stand against “terrorist”

The actress, joined by 84 other high-profile Hollywood stars, directors, studio bosses and media moguls, has taken out a powerfully-worded full page advertisement in today’s Los Angeles Times newspaper. It

Legal society asks Pope Benedict to seek release of Palestinian prisoners

The Ansar Al-Asra (prisoners’ supporters) society has appealed to the Pope Benedict XVI to use his good offices in seeking a halt to the Israeli aggression and the oppressive siege

Israel’s president accused of raping two ladies, AG asks him to resign

Israel’s bitter defeat in south Lebanon at the hands of Hizbullah fighters has apparently thrown its shadow on the Israeli internal front and unmasked the shaken Israeli community plagued with

Austrian politician: Israeli officials must be prosecuted for war crimes

The well known Austrian politician Jurg Haider, head of the Libertarian Party in Austria, has demanded the prosecution of Israeli occupation government officials before an intentional criminal court for the