
The Brotherhood and Art

Many fakes and rumors appeared from some classes and for several reasons expressing their concerns because Muslim brotherhood won many parliamentary seats in elections, the strangest thing that these categories

Ikhwan MPs Hold Gov. Accountable For Death of Ecologists.

“The Egyptian government doesn’t give any care for the scientific researches while devoting all its potentials only for protection of the regime, giving it a priority over anything including scientific

Egypt: Court Puts Senior MB Leader Under House Arrest.

Cairo Court of Appeals upheld the challenge filed by Muslim Brotherhood’s lawyer Abdul Monem Abdul Maksoud on Monday September 25, 2006, in which the lawyer asked for the release of

Habib: Inheritance of Power Deepens Rifts In Society

In a phone-in program aired by al Jazeera Satellite Television on September 27, 2006, MB First Deputy Chairman Dr.Mohamed Habib said that the Muslim Brotherhood opposes inheritance of power in

Gov’t Imposes Restrictions on MB Labor Unions Candidates

Once the Egyptian workers belonging to Muslim Brotherhood determined to stand for the imminent Labor Unions elections, the authorities have come to launch their usual campaign by putting impediments trying to