
Future of peaceful democratisation, horizons and obstacles

Labor and student elections ended up; however there were many violations that took place like arresting candidates, refusing to accept their papers as well as many other violations that recall

Top Islamist: Don’t Prejudge Siniora’s Gov’t

In a statement released on Nov. 15, 2006, Lebanese Islamist thinker and Chairman of the Islamic Action Front, Fatehi Yakan, expressed his deep sorrow over the failure of the inter-Lebanese

Taking Sides?

Although I don’t feel comfortable to her opinion on the middle east conflict, still this article has some good points we can all think about and reflect on at least when

Egypt: 9000 Students Join Free Student Union Elections

In defiance of the repressive measures taken by security agencies and other government bodies meddling with the election process in the student union election, students in the Egyptian universities decided,

Religious hatred is no more than a variety of racism

After his acquittal on the charge of inciting racial hatred, Nick Griffin was asked whether he was a racist. He replied that he was no longer one, that he is

Israeli air force dropped 1.2 million cluster bombs on Lebanon

The Israeli air force dropped more than 1.2 million American-made cluster bombs on Lebanon during Israel’s recent war waged on that Arab country for almost two months last summer, a

Dr. Makarim Al-Dairy: Illegal parliament, any constitutional reformations thereof notorious

A real democratic change in Egypt will not happen as long as the ruling party still in power; the regime does not have any credibility; it has failed in the

Iraqi Islamic Party: Attempts to Tame Front are Futile

The Arab League should play an effective role The Iraqi Islamic Party said that the Iraqi Accordance Front faces massive pressures; Iraqi citizens accuse the Front of failure as it

My Name is Rachel Corrie, Minetta Lane Theater, New York City

My Name is Rachel Corrie, from the writings of Rachel Corrie,edited by Alan Rickman and Katharine VinerMinetta Lane Theater