
Hala Mustafa: My Clash with Security Apparatus, not Gamal Mubarak

She is, as I know, veracious, clear, and full of political enthusiasm; she is amazing but is, sometimes, ambiguous; She is

40 MB Students Expelled From Cairo University Dorms

Dozens of Muslim Brotherhood students staged a public sit-in in front of the main gate of Cairo University’s dormitory on Tuesday afternoon 28/11/ 2006;protesting the administration’s continuous policy of excluding

Jordanian MB Dissatisfied With Bush’s Visit

The Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood denounced president Bush’s visit to Amman which will begin on Wednesday November 29,2006. In a statement it released Tuesday, a copy of which was posted Ikhwanweb, the group said that

Why We Need to Talk to Iran

Iran last week decided to play power broker. It invited Iraq’s President to visit Tehran to discuss regional stability, and it sought to bring Syria into the process as well.

The Last Man Standing

With the neocons in disarray, Elliott Abrams may be their best hope for keeping President Bush onboard.    It’s been a rough season for

Marlin Dick: It’s time for U.S. to get out of Iraq

While a debate on a possible withdrawal of the United States from Iraq is expanding in Washington, Marlin Dick emphasizes that a GI’s withdrawal would not be enough to resolve