
MB Wins Post of Bahraini Parliament 2nd Deputy Speaker

Doctor Salah Ali- chairman of the Islamic national Al Menbar society in Bahrain (Muslim Brotherhood) and chief of its parliamentary bloc- won the post of the second deputy House Speaker

Verdict on Libya’s Bulgarians case

Tripoli’s Supreme Court sentenced to death, today, five Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor accused of infecting 424 Libyan children with HIV virus.The nurses and the Palestinian doctor have been

Statement From the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

Our group is facing a fierce campaign aiming to distort its image, frighten people and incite them against it, with the participation of official media and security services, after some

Three Elections, One Principle

I’ve been watching with intense interest and much fascination three elections that have once again pitted members of the Muslim Brothers against members of the ruling regime. These

HRinfo workshop moved after State Security threats

The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (HRinfo) decided to change the place of its prospected workshop to Egyptian Journalists’ Syndicate headquarter rather than Shepherd Hotel. The workshop is attributed

State Security bars Dr. Essam from travelling

State Security detained him for over six months despite court orders for release. They tried unsuccessfully to put him under house arrest. Now, they are banning him from travelling outside