
Egypt’s Judges Offer Own View over Constitutional Amendments Next Week

 Judicial sources said that the Judges’ Club’s committee- entrusted with formulating constitutional amendments- headed by counselor Mahmoud Reda Al Khodairi may finish its task during next week, something that may

Ikhwanweb’s Interview With Al-Qassam Brigades Spokesman

Despite its short life in the Palestinian arena, Izzedine Al-Qassam Brigades- the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas- has become one of the icons of the Palestinian struggle. Qassam

MB Proposes New Law Banning Religious Parties

Hussein Mohamed Ibrahim,vice chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood parliamentary bloc, presented to parliament a new law proposal drafted by constitutional scholar Yahya Al-Gamal to ban political parties established on religious or sectarian basis.  

Articles no.76 and 77 “Part Uno {1}”

Back to my beloved Egypt after some days with Saddam Hussein and his never ending silly drama

Party Politics

One of the many political absurdities left behind by Mr Anwar Sadat is something called “The Political Party Affairs Committee.” This thing, composed exclusively of NDP members, gets to cherry