
Court Cancels Disciplinary Penalties Against MB Students

Qina’ s Administrative Court cancelled the unjust penalties of the disciplinary board at Ganoub Al-Wadi University against Muslim Brotherhood students who were dismissed and denied access to first term exams,

On the Verge of Succession

In her recently published paper by the Carnegie Endowment Institute, former specialist at the US State Department Michelle Dunne gave a comprehensive overview of the current political discourse in Egypt

Egypt: Gov’t Rounds Up Another Group of MB Leaders

On Sunday Jan. 14, 2007, Egyptian security forces began another cycle of crackdown against members of the Muslim Brotherhood arresting Dr. Mohamed Ali Beshr, a member of the MB Executive

Somalia: Islah’s Statement on US Strikes, Emergency Law

 The Somali scene is witnessing, nowadays, successive changes after the fights between the forces of the Union of Islamic Courts and the Somali government army backed by Ethiopian forces, allowing

Dr. Mohamed Ali Bishr, Life Full of Achievements

Today, "government forces" in Egypt arrested another group of outstanding citizens whose their only crime is belonging to a peaceful organization which is seeking reform and to put an end

Manipulating Language in the War Against Palestinians

Words are definitely more powerful than the sword in many situations. All that needs to be mentioned is “terrorist” or “terrorism,” and the programmed response will come — if the