
Alexandria Court Rejects MB Students Appeal

The Court of Appeals rejected an appeal by 45 Engineering students from Ain Shams University who were arrested while vacationing in an Alexandria summer resort of Al Hanoville

Diversity on both sides

Increasing tensions between the Muslim world, and specifically the Islamists therein, and the West has been caused primarily by the lack of mutual understanding between both sides. Sweeping generalizations, misconceptions

Al-Ghanoshi: Closing Ranks With Opposition Is Priority

Tunisian Al Nahda (Renaissance) Islamic movement wrapped up its eighth conference by reelecting Rashid Al-Ghanoshi to lead the movement for a next term. Observers see the eighth conference of Al- Nahda (Renaissance)

Muslim Brotherhood and Constitutional Amendments

The Muslim Brotherhood’s (MB) attitudes towards the latest constitutional amendments were the clearest among those of other political powers...

Deliberate Deceptions

The Deputy Secretary of U.S.State Department, Mr. Robert Zoellick, has been more outspoken lately about the state of political affairs in Egypt...

The Muslim Brotherhood Comments on ’’Gray Zones’’ Carnegie Paper

Following is the full text of comments by Abdul Monem Abul Futouh, Member of the Guidance Bureau of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood...

Deputy Head of Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt Mohamed Habib

As rumors of a split within the Muslim Brotherhood came to light in local Egyptian press, Global Politician"s Joseph Mayton sat down with a leading deputy of the group, Dr.

Libyan MB Chairman: We seek Civil Society-Inspired Reform

The strict dictatorial policy adopted by the Libyan regime makes it difficult, nay, impossible for one to get information now that the Libyan people is denied access to it in

Worried About The Future, Mr. Akef’s Interview With Al-Ahram Weekly

The Muslim Brotherhood"s Chairman Mohamed Mahdi Akef remains defiant in the face of a major security clampdown. The arrests of Brotherhood members, he tells Amira Howeidy, will not alter their