
US Focuses Egypt Aid on Coptic Majority Areas, Experts Question its Benefit

A top official in the USAID acknowledged that Washington has changed, over the last years, the structure of the civil aid offered to Egypt to make unprecedentedly focus on Coptic

IAF Criticizes Statements of Iraqi Gov’t Spokesman

The Iraqi Accordance Front (IAF) condemned statements issued by spokesman of the Iraqi government. The government spokesman responded to the Iraqi Accordance Front statement in which it threatened with withdrawing

No Information About Kidnapped Students Yet: Lawyer

Egyptian Security forces have been launching “summer crackdown against many Muslim Brotherhood (MB) youth. A month ago, about 45 members were arrested in a summer resort. On July 21, 2007,

Bin Arshid: Tuesday’s Municipals May Be Rigged

Jordanian Municipal elections will kick off on Tuesday July, 31st, 2007. the Jordanians will go to polls to pick their representatives in various municipalities nationwide.

United States ups Israeli defence aid to $30bn

PRIME Minister Ehud Olmert has announced a new $30 billion ($35.2 billion) US defence package to preserve Israel’s regional military superiority, as Washington readied an Arab arms deal to counter

Aboul-Fotouh Criticizes Papal Aide’s Statements, Calls Them Fanatic against Muslims

Georg Ganswein, the Private Secretary of the Pope of the Vatican, warned of the Islamisation of Europe and stressed the need for the continent’s Christian roots not to be ignored.

The Civil Disobedience Project

On Monday, 23 July, stay at home and raise Egypt’s flag.

Lessons from Turkey

Islamists in the region are again sweeping the polls. On Sunday Turkey’s Justice and Development Party (JDP) won 47 per cent of the vote in parliamentary elections, reigniting the debate

To Drink, Perchance to Live

Talented photographer Amr Abdallah at al-Masry al-Yawm has kindly shared his photos of citizens’ daily struggle for water, here in Giza. I’m in no mood for comment. What’s there to

The Mufti in Newsweek

In a contribution to the really excellent Newsweek/Washington Post series Muslims Speak Out, which invited a wide range of Muslim figures to respond to a series of questions, Egypt’s Grand