
Egyptian Bloggers Hold Conference to Defend Freedoms

The prisoners and human rights committee in Alexandria will hold on Thursday, Oct, 18th, 2007 , at the Jlim based lawyers a conference for bloggers and youth concerned about human

The Silence in Cairo Can Be Heard in New York

I was proud to have been involved in the affair. After all, it’s not everyday that voices like Ibrahim El Houdaiby and Mona Eltahawy declare that, their many differences aside,

Jordan’s IAF Denies Internal Disputes

A statement issued by the Islamic Action Front Party (IAP) denies media reports that there are rows inside the IAP leadership after making public the party’s slate in a press

ACHR Delegate Denied Access to MB Military Trial

Egyptian security forces has prevented Gamila Sadek, a human rights activist and delegate of the Arab Commssion for Human Rights (ACHR) from monitoring the 21stt session of the military tribunal

AIC to Shed Light on MB Military Tribunal

The American Islamic Congress (AIC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to building interfaith and interethnic understanding. The organization grew out of the ashes of September 11. It believes American Muslims

Nour Al Sherif Praises Muslim Brotherhood, Lashes out at Ruling NDP

In an interview with the Egyptian weekly newspaper Al-Nabaa, Egyptian famous actor, Nour Al Sherif, said that he admires the Muslim Brotherhood group.

Egypt’s media defy Mubarak at their peril

After briefly allowing more freedom, regime has reverted to jailing, harassing its critics