
Anxiety And Engagement

I believe that the United States and its NATO allies are destined to have more and more to do with the Muslim world over the coming decades. Some estimates of

Muslim Support Islamic Groups Participating in the Political Arena

Last month a survey that is part of an ongoing study of Egypt, Pakistan, and Indonesia, with additional polling in Turkey, Jordan, the Palestinian territories, Azerbaijan and Nigeria, was released.

17 Menoufiyyah MB Members Arrested

Last Monday night, March 16, Egyptian security raided the homes of and detained 17 MB members from Menoufiyya in a barbarous manner that scared their families

Expert: Regime’s Monopoly over Power behind Political Violence

Every now and then in Egypt several incidents of violence take place, most of them small, having no link with any big organizations, having relatively limited effects, and carried out

MB MPs to Confront Government on Lift of Petrol Product Subsidies

Sources conversant with the Ministry of Petroleum announced that petroleum prices will be freed in the Egyptian market in order to cover the ministry’s financial debt crisis which proved to

Report Reveals Government Interventions In Judge Elections

The Cairo report issued by Al-Ahram Institute for Political and Strategic Studies confirmed that the effect of financial and service enticements on the last elections of the Judges of Egypt

Morsi: Zionist Lobby behind Attempts to Hinder Civil Society Work in Europe

Commenting on the campaign launched against the Islamic civil organizations in Europe in his statement to Ikhwanweb, MB Executive Bureau Member Dr. Mohamed Morsi affirmed that the attempts to hinder