
Habib: Actions speak louder than words

Dr. Mohammed Habib, Deputy Chairman of Muslim Brotherhood group, has commented to Ikhwanweb on what was written by the author "Frank Gaffney" in the editorial of the Washington Times regarding

Jail, Detention Terms Extended for 7 MB Leaders

The Ministry also kept three MB labor leaders under detention despite the order of their release issued last Wednesday. They are ‘Atef El-Samry, an accountant and member of the Supreme

Swine Flu Panic in Egypt

The authorities had stepped up surveillance measures at airports, ports and terminals to prevent the arrival of the disease using thermal monitors that detect people with high fever, an early

Mishaal discusses Obama’s new language with Carter

Hamas political bureau chairman Khaled Mishaal is to discuss with former US president Jimmy Carter on Thursday in Damascus the latest speech of US president Barack Obama in Cairo.