
Gaffney’s First Amendment argument FAILS

Washington Times columnist Frank Gaffney is throwing a temper tantrum because Paul Krugman called him and his newspaper out for putting forth hate speech. In a today’s column, entitled "Free

Bahar strongly condemns the death of detainee under torture in Abbas’s jails

Acting Palestinian legislative council speaker Dr. Ahmed Bahar has strongly denounced the death of Haithem Amr, 28, under torture in Al-Khalil jail run by security forces loyal to former PA

U.S. Jews Latest Group To Seriously Question Their Support Of Barack Obama

It appears the U.S. Jewish community, like many other groups of people in this country, have begun to wake up to the fact that the product they ordered when they

Muslims & Democracy: A Précis

Historically, an Islamic rhetorical idiom has legitimated many a manner of governance: from the despotic to the benign. And the bountiful intellectual fruits of Islamic traditions—philosophical, theological, jurisprudential, mystical—are capable

Iran: an arbitrary decision to close “Al-Arabiya” in Tehran

The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI) strongly condemned resolution of the Iranian authorities to close down the office of "Al-Arabiya" TV channel in the Tehran for a week,

After the failure in stigmatizing the Human Rights website of terrorist

The Supreme Administrative Court in Cairo decided today to postpone the case filed by Judge Abdul Fattah Murad to the session in July 4. the decision comes at the request

Lebanon’s Election Results

Hezbollah Election HQ, Dahiyeh: Hundreds of Muazzen called believers to Lebanon’s Mosques at 3:35 a.m. this morning for the Al Fajr (the Dawn) prayer. The haunting and beautiful strains of

Obama’s Cairo Speech – Lies, Spin And Holocaust Denial

Obama’s speech in Cairo was full of nice politically correct (PC) expressions of love for Islam and Muslims but dishonestly evaded the central issue of ongoing US Alliance occupation and

A Boy And An Artificial Leg: A Gaza Story

His room is ready; the walls have fresh paint and my kids prepared a basket of chocolates and other treats to place beside his bed. They hung a poster on

Israeli War Crimes Against Children

Following Israel’s Operation Cast Lead, the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) documented the toll on Gaza’s children and published it in May. It did so "in response to the