
Foul play by the regime

Foul play by the regime with numerous acquittals, no releases and a showering of false accusations for Aboul Fotouh and 5 Muslim Brotherhood leaders.

Egypt political leader supports a Muslim Brotherhood Party

Harb said at a Ramadan breakfast, or iftar, organized by the party on Monday, that political parties in Egypt should prepare themselves and get ready “for effective participation in such

UNCTAD: Gaza suffered $4b in economic losses in the Israeli aggression

"Economic cost of the massive Israeli military campaign in Gaza is estimated at US$4 billion - almost three times of the size of its economy," this is how the UNCTAD,

Gaza children protest at Israeli ban on stationery and school needs

Hundreds of Gaza school students and children participated in the protest organized Tuesday by the Palestinian ministry of education to condemn the Israeli ban imposed on the entry of stationery

Prisoner society: IOA bans visits to wounded captive

The Palestinian Prisoners' Society (PPS) has held the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) responsible for the life of a wounded Palestinian detainee who is held in an Israeli hospital and deprived

The role of Moderate Islamists in the fight against terrorism, case study of the Egyptian

The attacks of September 11, 2001, the wars on Afghanistan and Iraq, and the war on terror, mainly Islamist terrorism, have strained the relations with the Muslim world, which considered

“Enough is Enough: A Rebuttal”

Ikhwanweb stresses the importance of freedom of speech, which should be recognized and respected as a fundamental human right and is imperative for the development of human societies. We understand

Demands to prosecute thugs involved in anti-Muslim assaults in London

Muslim worshippers leaving a mosque in South London were attacked by a group of 12 people last Thursday.

Workers at Amoun Drug Store strike against arbitrary transfer

Over a thousand workers and administrators at Amoun company began an open-ended strike in response to the arbitrary decisions of the administration which were to dismiss or transfer employees to