
A criminal state that must be isolated, boycotted

Israel is unusually furious over the publication this week of the Goldstone commission report which accuses the apartheid regime of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Gaza

Public Opinion Surveys: Trends in Arab Public Opinion towards Reform

The Arab public has a very good understanding of the concept of reform and a desire to see reform measures implemented in various different areas.

Palestinian girl sexually assaulted by Israeli prison guard

An 18-year-old Palestinian girl, imprisoned at the Israeli occupation jail of Hasharon, was sexually assaulted by an Israeli prison guard, according to a statement by the Palestinian Ministry of Prisoners

Egypt: Police violence no joke, says victim

60-year-old Fouad Mohamed Youssif slams his fist to the table in anger, yelling loudly that the Egyptian government is “a dirty government.” Youssif has much reason to hate the government

Egypt: Brotherhood MP condemns ban of burkini from beaches

A Muslim Brotherhood Member of the Parliament rejected what he described as the “infringement of the veil and veiled women and the promotion of vice and fighting virtue among young

How to lose hearts and minds American style

The CIA is under investigation for abuses and torture of al-Qaida suspects. Guess what? This is not how Washington is going win hearts and minds.

The Egyptian regime: From modernization to bequeathal

I talked last week about the crisis that the current Egyptian regime is facing at the moment. That regime has now reached a new crossroads after having blocked all means

Arab media on hard times

Lebanon-based Menassat, which launched in September 2007 with much fanfare, but abruptly ended publishing on September 1, shocking the region’s journalists who had seen the company grow over the past

Who is the “suregoen-reformist?”

Political action has become full of dangers and risks, not just resulting from security interventions and the restrictions imposed on the political parties and forces, but also from the state

Gamal and Nour

Is Egypt living in a political mess? Has the country become weak about confronting minority groups? Are we going to wake up one day to find ourselves involved in the