
The detention of 10 Engineer Students from Helwan.

Prosecutors decided today to detain 10 Muslim Brotherhood students from the Faculty of Engineering from Helwan University. The students were charged with the same accusations in which the movement's members

The Islamic Openings of Foreign Lands

When the Prophet ~ made a treaty with the Quraish in the year of Hudaibiyah which was 6 A.H., the agreement was based on a period of truce.

Egypt’s Brotherhood is knocking

Reporting from Cairo - He doesn't seem a radical or a troublemaker, but to the Egyptian government, Abdel Fattah Rizk, a surgeon with a graying mustache and hands pink from

How Arabs Transformed Western Civilization

The African and Middle Eastern Division of the Library of Congress is sponsoring a series of lectures on Iraq history and society. Jonathan Lyons, a researcher at the Global Terrorism

Private tuition booms due to alleged swine flu reports.

The Egyptian government has denied widespread rumours that educational institutions would be closed in November due to allegations of H1N1 infections. In recent weeks Egypt's 18 public universities have intensified

Who is Egypt’s next president?

In the media, the street and political gatherings the question is reiterated: Who is Egypt's next president? However no matter how many times the question is repeated no clear answer

Private tuition booms due to alleged swine flu reports.

The Egyptian government has denied widespread rumours that educational institutions would be closed in November due to allegations of H1N1 infections. In recent weeks Egypt's 18 public universities have intensified

A Companion to the History of the Middle East

Middle Eastern history is a vast field that no single work can realistically aspire to cover in all its periods, themes, and major events. Bearing in mind that this area

Abu Zuhri family reject Egyptian report on death of Yousef

The Abu Zuhri family refused to accept the Egyptian general prosecution's report on the death of Yousef Abu Zuhri in Egyptian jails that said he died of natural causes.

Surani: Goldstone’s report enjoys implementation mechanisms

Raji Al-Surani, the head of the Palestinian center for human rights, stated Wednesday that the new thing which sets Goldstone’s report apart is its talk about specific implementation mechanisms for