
Beheira: Release orders for 8 MB’s including Dr Mohamed Sweidan and Dr Gamal Heshmat.

Cairo's Criminal Court decided to issue release orders to Dr Gamal Heshmat former Muslim Brotherhood MP, Dr Mohamed Sweidan from the Movement's administrative office in Beheira and 8 others.

Medical school’s tops students denied rights.

Dr Ahmed Gowhary, President of Fayoum University failed to appoint 4 students positions on the University's staff despite their credentials.

Independent judges will rain check Club’s presidential elections but will keep their eyes open.

The Judges independent movement announced that it would not nominate any candidates for the Judges Club Presidential elections which are scheduled to take place January 15, 2010.

2 arrests and 3 extended detentions for innocent Muslim Brotherhood members.

State Security forces in North Sinai raided the homes of Hossam Shorbagy son of MB leader Dr Abdul Rahman Shorbagy and Bassam Adel.