
Who Killed the Egyptians on their Feast Day?

In 1923 a committee was formed to draw up the first Egyptian constitution, but the Wafd (the majority party at the time) announced it would boycott the committee because it

The Myth of Muslim Conquest

A question worries Europe: is Islam inherently expansionist and out to conquer the world? Yes, say those Swiss who voted against the construction of minarets.

The End of Al-Qaeda

Al-Qaeda is spent as an ideological force in the Arab and Muslim world, so we might as well come out and say it, and, hopefully, act like it too.

Pakistani scholar reiterates support for the oppressed Gazans.

The Palestinian oppression and the building of the iron wall have faced much controversy.

Yemen: The Backstory

The United States may be on the verge of involvement in yet another counterinsurgency war that, as in Iraq and Afghanistan, may make a bad situation even worse.

Give Egypt’s Voters a Real Choice

The upcoming elections for parliament this year and for president in 2011 have raised real prospects for change in Egypt.

Erdogan slams Israel for violating Lebanese airspace, bombing Gaza

ISTANBUL, (PIC)-- Turkish premier Recep Erdogan strongly denounced Israel for not respecting the UN resolutions and its persistence in violating the Lebanese airspace and territorial waters, and bombing the Gaza