
Haiti’s Finest Hour

The usual self-congratulatory reporting about American generosity and the importance of American troops (they secured the airport!) went on in a situation in which aid was visibly not getting through,

Covering Haiti: When the Media Is the Disaster

Why were so many people in Haiti hungry before the earthquake? Why do we have a planet that produces enough food for all and a distribution system that ensures more

Hiding War Horrors from Americans

Loss of objectivity could be seen in the wave of patriotism that swept through media coverage, Pulaski wrote. FAIR found that only 10 percent of news sources interviewed were opposed

The Haiti Haters

There’s something that annoys about Haiti -- especially among those who know little about the country. The Haitian tragedy has opened up a whole new industry for what could be

Breaking news: Chairman appoints deputies and press spokesmen.

Newly elected Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt has announced the names of his selected deputies and press spokesmen.

Sudan Needs International Action

The West has tended to back the southerners, while China has armed and backed the Khartoum government. That is why a United States-China entente may be the only way to

Beware of the BBC

People are complaining bitterly to the BBC about its pro-Israel stance when reporting on the situation in the Holy Land. The BBC nowadays is careless with the truth when handling

Election re-runs harvest more arrests in Daqahleya.

Egyptian security forces on Sunday January 24, detained nine Muslim Brotherhood members in the Nile Delta north of the capital as they prepared for a re-run parliament vote, security sources

A guide to the different types of veil

The "burqa ban" actually refers to the niqab, a veil closely associated with Wahabi traditionalists in the Arabian peninsula. FRANCE 24 looks at the different types of veil worn across

New TV channel to give Sufism a voice

A coalition of Sufi organisations is preparing to launch Egypt’s first Sufi-themed satellite television station before the end of the year.