
US–Iran Power Struggle over Iraq

US Ambassador Christopher Hill’s warning on February 18 that it could take months to form a new government in Baghdad after the Iraqi elections, scheduled for March 7, and that

Egypt: Police arrest failed bomb suspect

The Ministry of Interior revealed that Gamal Hussein, a 49-year-old tailor, was arrested in the Garden City district where the embassy of the United States is located. He was going

Long Arm of Israel – Mossad – Must be Amputated

We have learned over the last few days that the killers of a Hamas official in Dubai were Israeli Mossad agents who stole the identities of six UK citizens and

What Must Abu Mazen Do?

Abu Mazen, president of the Palestinian Authority, is in deep trouble. He is in search of a strategy. After visits to Germany, Britain and Russia in recent months, and consultations

Internet Freedom or Colonization?

Technology has always played an important role in the success of imperialism.

A Scientifically Validated Security Strategy for the Middle East

Militaries are responsible for defending their citizens. They can now succeed in this mission simply by creating a Prevention Wing - a group of Invincible Defence Technology experts, note Maj

Nothing Has Changed in Iraq

Perhaps the only meaningful statement in the testimony of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair in front of a committee investigating the war on Iraq, is the one that disclosed

Is Egypt Becoming a Family Republic?

Egypt's president Hosni Mubarak's is almost thirty years in office, the country is suffering from democratic deficits. Therefore, in order to initiate change, Europe must demand a relaxation of the

Forum Summary: Erdogan, Clinton, Kerry, and Ibrahim Address the 2010 U.S.-Islamic World Forum

With a video message from U.S. President Barack Obama and an address from U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Saban Center at Brookings and the Government of Qatar hosted

Internet Activism: The Problem with ‘Techno-Utopianism’

Evgeny Morozov, a Yahoo! fellow at Georgetown University and contributing editor to Foreign Policy, penned a Wall Street Journal essay over the weekend challenging many commonly held conceptions about the