
Morsy commends MB chairman’s call for dialogue with political parties and opposition leaders

Muslim Brotherhood spokesman and executive bureau member, Dr. Mohamed Morsy, commended MB chairman's call, Dr. Mohamed Badie, for constructive dialogue with political parties and opposition leaders in Egypt

State Council acknowledges Al-Shater’s rights for early release

The Legislative Department of the State Council has presented Chancellor Mamdouh Marei a presidential decree ordering an official pardon to detainees who have served half their sentences in prison and

Egypt: Mubarak’s terminal cancer sparks fears

An insistent rumour over President Hosni Mubarak’s health has been assessed by Western intelligence sources. Israel and its American ally may be losing sleep over the threat of a Muslim

Weekend march calls on Turks and Kurds to end violence

Turkish and Kurdish activists carried banners calling for all round peace as they marched in central Istanbul over the weekend

Death in Police Encounter Stirs Calls for Change in Egypt

ALEXANDRIA, Egypt — The two undercover police officers seemed unfazed by the bystanders, who watched as the officers beat a 28-year-old man in the lobby of a building here last

Bibi Caught Speaking The Truth: ‘America Is A Thing You Can Move Very Easily’

Bibi:…The Arabs are currently focusing on a war of terror and they think it will break us. The main thing, first of all, is to hit them. Not just one

The Spot-and-Shoot Game: Israeli female soldiers kill by remote control

The female soldiers, located far away in an operations room, are responsible for aiming and firing remote-controlled machine-guns mounted on watch-towers every few hundred metres along an electronic fence that

Zionist settler runs over Palestinian child

A Zionist settler ran over a Palestinian child in Al-Khalil city on Sunday evening then sped away in his motorbike causing serious injuries to the 12-year-old child.

IOA planning to demolish 40 houses in Jordan Valley

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) handed ten new demolition notices to citizens in Bardala village in the northern Jordan Valley on Sunday bringing the total number of similar notices to 40

Jordan’s PM threatens 7 year sentence to vote buyers

Jordan's main opposition group, The Muslim Brotherhood offshoot has maintained that it is still considering whether to take part in the upcoming parliamentary elections slated for next November.