
For Egypt, Mubarak’s health and successor are guessing games

Worries over the president, a U.S. ally who has battled Islamic extremism and kept peace with Israel, have risen and ebbed. The recent tension began when he traveled to Germany

Jordan: MB offshoot and political opposition express deep concern over gov’t policies

The National Coalition of Opposition parties in Jordan engaged in dialogue discussing freedom of expression, public participation in the political process and economic difficulties facing the nation as a result

Once again peace talks or no peace talks

As history has it peace talks initiated by the US has continued to be regarded as a means to an end to the world's superpower.

MB denies accusations by The Groups’ writer

Seif al-Islam al Banna, son of Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al Banna rejected accusations by Wahid Hammed writer of the controversial TV series 'The Group'.

The Arab Tomorrow

The Arab world today is ruled by contradiction. Turmoil and stagnation prevail, as colossal wealth and hypermodern cities collide with mass illiteracy and rage-filled imams. In this new diversity may

Egypt’s obvious future successor

A trip last August by the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to the US highlights what the ruler had in mind regarding the future where he assured Middle East experts in