
Wall Street Journal commends MB and ElBaradei united front

The wall street Journal writes of Egypt 's most noted political opposition who has joined forces in their demand for political reform and constitutional amendments.

Analysis of BBC Panorama “Death on the Med” exposes blatant pro-Israel bias

The complaint vindicates all earlier complaints of bias on the part of the BBC. This bias is so consistent and now blatant as to make the BBC guilty of fraud

MB online petition secures 600, 000 signatures alone on its official website

48 days into its launching the Muslim Brotherhood's online campaign to gather signatures in support of the National Association for Change's "Seven Demands for Reform" charter has secured 600,000 signatures

BBC compares Ikhwanbook to Facebook

The BBC news website commented on the Muslim Brotherhood's, social networking site Ikhwanbook comparing it to the renowned US Facebook.

NDP will nominate president Mubarak for 6th term

Speaker of Egypt ’s Shura Council Safwat El-Sherif confirmed that the ruling National Democratic Party has decided to nominate the current President Hosni Mubarak for a sixth term in office

Coincidence or Islamophobia

CAIR America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization and Muslim civil rights group renew calls for official response to growing anti-Muslim bigotry.