
Electricity blackouts put lives of Palestinian patients in Gaza at extreme risk

The Palestinian ministry of health (MOH) has warned Monday that the continued electricity brownouts for long intervals and on daily basis in Gaza Strip could jeopardize lives of hundreds of

U.S. consulate refuses to receive note from protesting J’lem MPs

The U.S. consulate in Jerusalem has refused to accept a letter from the Jerusalem MPs sitting in at the Red Cross headquarters at the pretext of having no staff to

Ottoway: Egypt, change or continuity?

David Ottaway, senior scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Centre published a recent article as part of the Woodrow Wilson International Center’s Occasional Paper series discussing the prospects for political

Settlers fire at teenage Palestinian farmers

Ten Zionist settlers fired at and chased three Palestinian farmers in Deir Istiya village, Nablus, on Tuesday morning while tending to their lands.

Journalists protest against military trial of workers

Political forces organized a protest in solidarity with workers from Factory 99-Harbi (Helwan Company for Engineering Industries). They protested in front of the Egyptian Press Syndicate. Protestors consisted of civilian

Zoabi to testify before UN panel probing Flotilla massacre

Arab Knesset member Hanin Zoabi is expected to testify on Tuesday in Amman before a UN panel investigating Israel's deadly attack on Freedom Flotilla convoy that happened on May 31.

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf Advocates Moderate Religious Outlook at Dubai School of Government Talk

The Imam’s comments came during a talk on “Religious Tolerance and Muslim Life in America” held at the Dubai School of Government (DSG).

A Peace Plan Within Our Grasp

IT’S been 10 long years since the Palestinians and Israelis last came close to establishing a permanent peace, in January 2001 at Taba in Egypt.

Hurricane of inhumanity: five years after Katrina

Mamoon Alabbasi argues that, five years after Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans, the principal lesson from that disaster – the need to put humanity above prejudice and greed – has

NYC community board head wants interfaith center (AP)

The chairwoman of the community board that voted for an Islamic center and mosque near ground zero said she believes adding an interfaith dimension would help unite people, saying a