
MB announces names of fielded candidates

The Muslim Brotherhood has announced names of candidates fielded in Egypt 's upcoming parliamentary elections. During press conferences the MB in the constituencies of Gharbeya and Qalyubiya have named 10

Police intimidate protestors arresting 20

A Misdemeanor Court in Alexandria is expected to deliver a verdict on October 17 on the trial for an appeal filed by the Alexandrian activist Hassan Mustafa convicted of beating

Benny Morris: The pseudo-liberal, the bona-fide fascist

Benny Morris, a Zionist historian turned fascist, has been trying so desperately to convince the English-speaking world that Jewish fascism, otherwise known as Zionism, is totally compatible with western liberal

His father’s boy: the three faces of Binyamin Netanyahu

Uri Avnery considers the three faces of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu: the unprincipled conman, the street-wise trickster and the advocate of Greater Israel. He concludes that while Netanyahu displays

Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood right to enter election

Over the past few weeks there has been much discussion over whether Egypt’s most powerful opposition group the Muslim Brotherhood would contest November’s Parliamentary election.

Zionist settlers attack Palestinian farmers, hurt old man

A Palestinian old man was injured when Zionist settlers attacked Palestinian farmers while harvesting olives south of Nablus city on Sunday, eyewitnesses reported.

Zionist settlers provoke new clashes in OJ

Violent confrontations took place on Sunday between Jerusalemites and Zionist settlers backed by Israeli occupation police in the vicinity of the Qirsh family home in the Old City of occupied

Members of lifeline convoy head to Latakia port to pressure Egyptians

A part of the lifeline aid convoy to Gaza would move toward the Syrian port of Latakia on Monday to pressure the Egyptians into expediting issuing a permit to allow

MB political detainees levelled with fabricated accusations

Two Members of the Muslim Brotherhood were arrested from their homes and taken to the State Security Headquarters, while a third was taken from his car and beaten by police

Ireland cancels arms deal with Israel reportedly over Mabhouh issue

The Irish ministry of defense has cancelled an arms deal with Israel by which the latter would supply Dublin with ammunition, a Hebrew daily reported on Monday.