
Election Monitors Report Widespread Fraud

During Egypt’s intense parliamentary elections, Egyptian NGOs monitoring the polls were targeted as they faced widespread difficulties and personal risk, attempting to document rigging, fraud and reports on voting.

HRW director released from detention

Police released Joe Stork deputy director of Human Rights Watch’s Middle East and North Africa division after he and his translator were briefly detained at police headquarters in Samanoud in

Egypt Is Holding Elections: Will They Matter?

will what transpires on election day actually matter much? We can probably predict the results. The ruling National Democratic Party, of course, will win enough seats to have a veto-proof

Elections Update:Egypt goes to poll with no sign of democracy

7:05 AM In Mansoura, witnesses watch thugs on motorcycles armed with chains, pocketknives and machetes leave from police station towards ballot stations.

Forging, Arrests and Beatings on the First Day of Elections

Various security violations have taken place in many governorates of Egypt against candidates of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) to prevent any mass communication expected for MB candidates.

Police officials manipulate election and rig electoral cards

Security forces reportedly broke into polling stations located in four villages in Borollos and Hamoul, Kafr al-Sheikh districts. Police manipulated electoral cards in favor of National Democratic party candidate Essam

Massive Raid Campaigns Resume in Dakahlia and State Security Hands Ballot Papers to Committees Sorting

State security forces in Fayoum handed in to the heads of the Electoral Commission an official final count that covered names and the number of votes obtained by each candidate,

Ballot Papers Seen in Al-Behira, Menoufiya and Bulaq Al-Dakrur Just Hours before Polling Day

Media spokesman for Muslim Brotherhood candidates in Behira governorate, Ihab Al-Sayyed, has revealed that he saw some people who had the sealed ballot paper for the women's quota a few

Dr Morsy: Security Services Engaged in Systematic Violence against MB Candidates

Dr Mohamed Morsy, the Muslim Brotherhood's media spokesperson and executive bureau member, has stressed that the Brothers want to hold free and fair elections. The MB is keen to respect

Sunday Is D-Day in Egypt

Despite the violence, arbitrary detentions and determined campaigners struggling against a dishonest, brutal regime, less than half the population of Egypt is expected to take part in Sunday's polls.