
Arab Secretary General denounces foreign intervention in Egypt’s affairs

Amr Mousa the Arab League Secretary General denounced foreign attempts to exploit the New Year eve criminal attack on Alexandria’s church on New Year’s Eve.

Jordan: MB Offshoot Angered, Calls for Dismissal of Labour Minister

A recent approval by Jordan’s government allowing women to work at night clubs has been slammed by the Muslim Brotherhood offshoot the Islamic Action Front.

For the first time in Time in The Arab world UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom

The Arabic Affairs Committee of the Egyptian Journalists Syndicate in collaboration with the Arabic Network for Human Rights Information organizes a meeting with Mr. Frank La Rue, UN Special Rapporteur

Not Just Islamophobia

Dubbed an ‘anti-Muslim bigot’ Frank Gaffney alleges that the Muslim Brotherhood is running an influence operation in Washington, D.C. by accusing Muslim Republican Suhail Khan – about whom Gaffney has

My advice to Egypt

The New Year bombing in Alexandria, which killed as many as 25 innocent people, nearly all of them Christian Copts, shocked Egypt and the Arab world. It infuriated Christians and

Political Experts: MB Sentences a Settling of Scores

Unjust sentences served to 5 leading international Muslim Brotherhood leaders in the “International MB networking case” has been deciphered by political analysts as nothing short of a settling of scores.

Condolences for the Death of an Honourable Woman

The Syrian Human Rights Committee SHRC offers its condolences to the Abdullah and Abass families following the death of Omayya Abass, wife of the colleague Ali al-Abdullah currently detained and

Forensic Report Confirms Driver Was Killed by Police Officer

Councillor Amr Qandil, Prosecutor General of north Cairo prosecutions, decided to refer the police officer who is accused of killing the driver Aboud, to the criminal court.

An Egyptian blogger to Lose His Job Because of His Writings on The Internet

The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information today said that an Egyptian blogger lost his job because of his political views on his blog. The blogger,Mohammed Maree, was dismissed from

Muslim Brotherhood’s Statement on MB International Networking Case

At a time when Egyptians are living in critical moments, suffering distress and are in the darkest circumstances because of the regime's repressive practices, and at a time when all