
MB: Equality and Justice Is The Real Challenge

Covering significant issues concerning Egypt after the Revolution Dr. Essam el Erian of the newly formed Muslim Brotherhood Party the Freedom and Justice Party described the role of justice as

Egypt Revolution Advances Hope in the Middle East

The firm stance and unified voice of the Egyptian people that brought about the successful people's revolution in January, 2011, has been applauded as an 'exhilarating moment' that has had

Activists Launch Campaign on FB Opposing Holding Off Elections

Arguing for quick elections, activists in Egypt have launched a campaign on the social networking site FB calling for quick elections against delay.

MB Submits Memo to SCAF to Drop the Military Charges against 114 of Its Leaders

The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) submitted an official memo to the Supreme Council of Armed Forces (SCAF) calling it to drop all the charges and sentences against 114 of its leaders

MB Representative in Fayoum Submits Complaint Against State Security

Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Abdel Rahman, director of the MB office in Fayyoum and head of the board of management of Makkah Hospital in Fayoum,

MB and Copts Celebrate National Unity

The Muslim Brotherhood in Alexandria joined Christians in an event organized by the Copts to strengthen the bond between Muslims and Copts.

“Justice and Freedom” Party Involves 93 Christian and the Vice Chairman of the Party is

Today (Wednesday, May 18, 2011), Dr. Mohamed Saad al-Katatni, a leader in the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the representative of the founders of "Freedom and Justice" Party, formally presented

MB Chairman: MB Vows to Defend the Civility of the State Even Against Military Junta

Dr. Mohammed Badie, Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood attended the public conference that was held at the Mosque of Amr Ibn al-Aas in Cairo, and he said that the Muslim