
Amr Mousa Visits Freedom and Justice Party

Former Secretary General for the Arab League and potential presidential candidate Amr Mousa met Tuesday with Freedom and Justice Party leaders including Saad ElKatatney,

MB Chairman: Egyptians Will Not Surrender Revolution to Hijackers

Speaking in Wady Notron, Beheira the Muslim Brotherhood’s chairman Dr. Mohamed Badie stated that remnants from the old regime are intent on sowing chaos and hijacking the revolution.

FJP Statement Concerning Participation In July 29 Rally

Egypt today is going through a crucial phase after its nonviolent revolution. Simultaneously it faces a lot of impediments some of which are internally caused, while others of course are

FJP Criticizes Foreign Grants to Activists Groups

Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) Vice-President Rafiq Habib, stated that his party doesn't approve U.S. grants opportunties to fund NGO’s in Tunisia, Egypt, and other Middle East and African countries