
FJP: Hoping for Balanced Parliament Representing All Egyptians

With the announcement of the results of the first round of the first phase of parliamentary elections, which showed the ability of the Egyptian people to cross over to the

The Brother Leader, By The Majalla

Liberals view him as an uncompromising religious conservative and even within the Muslim Brotherhood some doubt his ability to lead. Will Mohamed Badie succeed in uniting the Muslim Brotherhood and

FJP: No Alliance With Salafist Al Noor Party

The Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) denied alleged alliance with the Salafist al-Noor Party, and confirmed that the only electoral coalition now is with the Democratic Alliance which includes 11

OpEd by Essam El-Erian: Egypt is the True Victor in this Election

By voting, millions of Egyptians are accomplishing one of the revolution's basic aims – the building of a democratic system.