
Muslim Brotherhood Spokesman: Safeguarding Freedoms a Top Priority

In an interview with Saudi newspaper “Alyoum”, Dr. Mahmoud Ghozlan, Media Spokesman of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), said that the Brotherhood agrees on the importance of expediting the presidential elections

Beltagy Welcomes Decree Canceling 90 Military Sentences, Calls for Ending Military Tribunals for Civilians

Dr. Mohamed Beltagy, Executive Bureau member of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) welcomed the decision by Field Marshal Tantawi to cancel prison sentences against 90 civilians by military courts.

Islamists Vow Support for Egypt Economy

Showing their support for the country’s stumbling stock market, Egypt’s political powers, including Islamists, have thrown their weight behind boosting the nation’s economy, the Daily News Egypt reported.

Katatni: FJP Encourages Zakat Without Interfering in its Regulation

Dr. Mohamed Saad Katatni, Secretary General of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), stated that Zakat is an obligatory duty for the rich Muslims to pay, and a right for