
Brotherhood, Freedom and Justice Joint Statement Endorses Al-Shater in Presidential Race

Egypt’s venerable organization, the Brotherhood, together with its parliamentary majority political wing, shoulder the responsibility of governance in the country’s most critical phase after the January 25 Revolution.

Muslim Brotherhood and Freedom and Justice Party Statement on Egypt’s Presidency

Full statement of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Freedom and Justice Party explaining the esteemed organization’s stance regarding Egypt’s forthcoming presidential elections.

15 Brotherhood Peaceful Protests in Alexandria Against Ganzouri Government

As Egyptian youths organize a series of increasingly sizable and vocal marches and protests, the stage is set for more action to pressure or persuade the ruling military to relinquish

Katatni: Brotherhood Seek No Confrontation With Anyone

Katatni asserts that the Egyptian Constitution belongs to all Egyptians, inside the homeland and abroad, inviting all to contribute to the process of drawing up the country’s new national charter.

Al-Shater Resigns Brotherhood Post to Focus Efforts on Forthcoming Presidential Elections

The Brotherhood’s second in command, Al-Shater, resigns his prominent position to run for Egypt’s top job in the May presidential elections.

Brotherhood Lawyer: Al-Shater Legal Position Perfectly Clear, Solid

Contrary to what certain ‘pessimist’ Egyptian media have been circulating in the past few hours, legal expert Abdel-Maksoud believes Al-Shater’s bid for the presidency is absolutely clear and sound, from

No National or International Isolation Anticipated With Brotherhood Presidency Decision

While some Egyptian analysts express apprehension regarding public response to the Brotherhood’s decision to field its own presidential candidate, Dr. Hussein believes the organization stands to lose no friends on