
Urgent Parliamentary Statement Against Arrest of Egyptian Lawyer in Saudi Arabia

Egypt’s People’s Assembly seeks the facts behind Egyptian lawyer Gizawi in Saudi Arabia, and urges fast action to stop humiliating treatment of Egyptians in the Kingdom.

Clarification from Dr. Morsi Campaign Regarding Slogan

Cairo – 23 April 2012: Clarification by Dr. Morsi’s presidential campaign manager regarding statements by the Muslim Brotherhood’s candidate in the Egyptian race for head of State.

Gamal Heshmat: Parliament Fully Backs Revolution, Democratic Transformation

Egypt’s first post-revolution Parliament is just over two months old, yet it has passed a number of important laws – for the betterment of the homeland and improvement of the

Constitutional Experts Urge SCAF to Pass Disenfranchisement Law

Constitutional court refers Political Rights law back to Military Council, claiming non-competence; thus leaving the junta no options but to ratify the draft into law.

At First Public Rally in Beheira, Morsi Urges Egyptians to Protect Revolution

FJP Chairman Dr. Morsi calls upon all the Egyptian people to protect the Glorious Revolution from insidious counter-revolutionary plots and schemes being desperately devised by ousted Mubarak’s remnants, cronies and