
‘Stop Killing Egyptians Immediately’, Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Abbassiya Deadly Clashes

Cairo – May 2, 2012: Translation of Egypt’s Brotherhood statement on the latest tragic events in Abbassiya, Cairo, in which at least 20 peaceful demonstrators were killed and many dozens

FJP Strongly Condemns Violence, Brutality Against Abbassiya Protesters

The FJP boycotts SCAF meeting today; denounces violence against peaceful sit-in; suspends Dr. Morsi’s presidential campaign in mourning of Abbassiya martyrs.

FJP: Dr. Morsi’s Nahda Project Backed by 80-Year Experience

Renowned scholars and experts assure Morsi’s Nahda Project, fully supported by the Brotherhood and its political arm, will bring prosperity and progress to Egypt and its people.

Over 15-Mile Long Human-Chains Welcome Dr. Morsi in Gharbiya Province

A massive rally and march, with welcoming human-chains receive Brotherhood’s Dr. Morsi in Egypt’s most intensive presidential campaign.