
Statement from Pro-Democracy Masses of Egyptian People in All Liberty Squares Across Egypt

Millions of Egyptians demonstrating in support of democratic, constitutional and ballot-box legitimacy issue a 4-point statement detailing their demands.

Millions of Egyptians Rise Up Against Coup; Republican Guard Massacre Peaceful Protesters

Systematic brutality, widespread atrocities and plain downright bloody massacres are back on the streets of Cairo and all provinces across Egypt as security forces face unarmed demonstrators with live bullets.

Arbitrary Arrests and Detention of Muslim Brotherhood Leaders Drag Egypt to Repression Era

Police State terror tactics and preordained, vindictive incarceration of Brotherhood leaders are clear signs that the old regime is back where it longed to be.

Former Muslim Brotherhood Chairman Akef Arrested; Erian and Ghozlan Homes Raided

More waves of unwarranted arrests overwhelm Egyptians as security forces raid the homes of Brotherhood and FJP leaders, taking any members of their families hostage.

Legal Expert: Charges Being Fabricated for Symbols of Muslim Brotherhood and FJP

A systematic, brutal witch-hunt has already started against senior members of the Muslim Brotherhood and its political wing, the Freedom and Justice Party.

Brotherhood, FJP: Badie and Al-Shater Not Arrested; Authorities Intent to Violate Freedoms

The military coup in Egypt unleashes bloody monsters of violence, repression and corrupt, brutal police state.