
FJP Condemns Violence; Hopes Thursday Attack Will Not Be Repression Excuse

The Muslim Brotherhood affiliated Freedom and Justice Party denounces todays’ reported attack on the coup’s minister of interior, and expresses concern that the incident may be an excuse for more

Egypt’s Anti-Coup Alliance Calls “People Protect Revolution” Friday September 6

In a statement earlier Thursday, the coalition of coup opponents in Egypt urged all citizens to mass for ‘The people protect the Revolution’ Friday tomorrow.

Anti-Coup Alliance Denounces Attack on Coup Interior Minister Mohamed Ibrahim

The coalition of parties and groups opposed to the coup reiterates its commitment to non-violent assembly and protest activities, and hopes the minister’s attack is not followed with more repression

Anti-Coup Alliance Criticizes Military Courts, Sentences as Setback for Revolution Gains

The military commanders and collaborators’ escalation of repressive measures to suppress all opponents of their putsch will fail miserably.

FJP’s Darrag Condemns Attack on Coup Interior Minister; Asserts: Our Activities Peaceful

An assassination attempt can go a long way to justify a bigger wave of state-sponsored terror against all those opposed to the bloody, traitorous coup.

Rights Group: Eight Thousand Detainees in Egypt Since Beginning of Military Coup

Prominent lawyers and legal professionals launch ‘National Committee for the Defense of Detainees’ to represent and defend political prisoners before Egypt’s courts.

Two Months of Ruinous Coup – Muslim Brotherhood Statement

Marking 60 days of traitorous coup, Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood exhorts all Egyptians to stand steadfast, fully determined to defeat the putschists.