
Muslim Brotherhood: Not Represented in Washington Workshop

Media reports announcing the outcome of the ‘dialogue’ workshop held recently in Washington, attended by some political activists, also claimed representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood were present. This is not

Statement from Syria Muslim Brotherhood

To All Syrian citizens… To the men and women of the Syrian Revolution who believe in freedom, justice and human dignity… With all the international, regional and local developments impacting

Muslim Brotherhood Message to Nation on Occasion of Eid Al-Adha

The Muslim Brotherhood offers sincere congratulations and prayers to the Arab and Muslim nation, and to the Egyptian people, especially the men and women of the January 2011 Revolution, detainees,

Commentary by Muslim Brotherhood Acting Chairman Dr Mahmoud Ezzat

Praise be to God, who enabled the Muslim Brotherhood to stand firm for Islam, for its call and the Egyptian people’s Revolution, and enabled the group’s Chairman (Dr Mohamed Badie)

Muslim Brotherhood Appeal After Grozny Conference Controversy

The Muslim Brotherhood is following with deep sorrow the general state of the Muslim nation after the conference convened in the Chechen capital Grozny on August 25-27, which ignited fires

Egypt Alliance Denounces Oppression in “Down with Disgrace and Shame Junta” Peaceful Protest Week

Every day, it becomes clearer that the floundering Sisi is a pure disgrace and a dark shame in Egypt’s history, and that no matter how long he stays in power,

Muslim Brotherhood Chairman Badie: Committed to Non-Violence, to Legitimate President Morsi

Mohamed Badie, Muslim Brotherhood Chairman, said Tuesday that the group is committed to three issues: peaceful action in the face of the coup, the legitimacy of President Mohamed Morsi, and

Human Rights Report: More Political Prisoners Than Criminal in Egypt Coup Jails

An extensive human rights report revealed that the number of political prisoners in Egyptian jails, with 16 newly added by Sisi and the junta since the July 2013 military coup,

Muslim Brotherhood: Mir Quasem – Icon of Freedom and Resistance Against Tyranny

Not long after the anniversary of the martyrdom or execution of Sayyid Qutb at the hands of Egypt’s dictators (August 29, 1966), tyrants in Bangladesh executed Mir Quasem Ali, a

Lawyers Statement on Coup Security Kidnapping, Disappearance of Mohamed Sadek

The undersigned condemn, in the strongest terms, the continued escalation by the Interior Ministry and security apparatuses of the oppressive policy that aims to terrorize and intimidate lawyers and defenders