
Muslim Brotherhood’s Statement on the Arrest of Amb. Marzouk, and Dr. Al Qazaz

The Muslim Brotherhood condemns the arrest of a number of political activists on Thursday August 23rd by military regime security forces, foremost among them Ambassador Masoum Marzouq and Dr. Yahya

Muslim Brotherhood’s Greetings on Eid Al Adha

With the takbir of the pilgrims on the day of ‘Arafa, the best day of the year, and with the breeze of Eid Al Adha, the feast of sacrifice and

Egypt: A Letter from Those Unjustly Sentenced to Death in Rabaa Case

As we were about to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the horrific Rabaa massacre, we were unjustly handed death sentences in the judiciary ‘farce’ called the ‘case of breaking the

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Statement on the Fifth Anniversary of the Rabaa Massacre

 Over the past few years, our beloved country, Egypt, had witnessed great events, which left its profound effects on the present and future of the country, combining great hopes with

Human Rights Organization: 1080 Arbitrary Arrests, 379 Enforced Disappearances in 6 months in Egypt

In its report "Out of Coverage" released Saturday, the "Egyptian Coordination Committee for Rights and Freedoms (ECRF) monitored approximately 379 forcible disappearances and nearly 1,080 arbitrary arrests in the first

Rights Group Documents Violations of Media Freedoms in Egypt in July

The "Arab Observatory for Media Freedom" documented 23 violations of the press and media freedoms in Egypt last July, the most serious of these violations is the issuance of three

Muslim Brotherhood’s Statement on the Death Sentences Against 75 Political Prisoners and Figures

The Muslim Brotherhood confirms its rejection and condemnation of the death sentences issued today [July 28] against the innocent leaders and members of the group in the case known as

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Statement on the New Zionist Aggression on Al Aqsa Mosque

The new barbaric aggression against the Al Aqsa mosque in Al Quds, Jerusalem, that took place this morning [July 22nd] as large numbers of Zionist settler herds broke into to

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Statement on the Zionist

In the midst of repeated threats by the Zionist aggression army to launch a new war on the Gaza Strip, the Israeli Knesset (the Zionist parliament), on Thursday, issued the

REPORT: 26 Mothers Inside Sisi Prisons Separated from Their Children

The regime of dictator General el Sisi continues its crimes against Egyptians and human rights violations in view of the silence of the international community, and the international institutions, which