
World Cup Qatar.. A message of glory and pride to all Arabs and Muslims

  The Muslim Brotherhood followed the great success achieved by the State of Qatar in organizing the 22nd edition of the FIFA World Cup, which was concluded on Sunday, coinciding

Islamist Movements and the Political Challenge: An Alternate Perspective

While on a recent visit to Delhi, I chanced upon an Urdu book whose title, Tehrik-i-Islami Ko Darpesh Siyasi Challenge (’The Political Challenges Before the Islamic Movement’, immediately attracted my

Muslim Brotherhood Confirms Continuation of National Project in the Next Stage

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful The Muslim Brotherhood's sense of their tremendous responsibility, and because it has always responded to the country's concerns and challenges, confirms

Statement from the General Shura Council of the Muslim Brotherhood

The General Shura (Consultative) Council of the Muslim Brotherhood decided in its meeting in October 2021, as scheduled in the previous session, with a valid quorum in which more than

Statement from the General Shura (Consultative) Council of “the Muslim Brotherhood”

Statement from the General Shura (Consultative) Council of "the Muslim Brotherhood" ((And those who have responded to their lord and established prayer and whose affair is [determined by] consultation among

Decision of the committee in charge of the work of the General Guide of the

Decision of the committee in charge of the work of the General Guide of the "Muslim Brotherhood" Saturday March 26, 2022 11:43 PM In the name of Allah, The Generally

Decision to appoint Mr Ali Hamad, as a media spokesperson for the Muslim Brotherhood abroad 

Thursday January 20 2022 07:27 PM  In the name of Allah, The Generally Merciful, The Especially Merciful  Resolution No. (3) of 2022  Appointment of a media spokesperson abroad Mr. Ali