• MB News
  • March 11, 2007
  • 3 minutes read

4 Sharqiya MBs Arrested

4 Sharqiya MBs Arrested

The Egyptian security forces detained Mohamed Abdul Aziz, a Muslim Brotherhood Members. He lives in in the village of Hariya Razna, district of Zagazig, Sharqiya, north of Cairo.
The security forces arrested also, earlier last week:
-Mohamed Ibrahim Ali – an accountant in Al-Azhar education district-Zagazig-
– Kamal Atiya- an instructor in the Ministry of Education- Bilbeis,
– Mohamed Ibrahim Al Kordi (nicknamed Adel the Kordi) – free business- lives in Manshiyat Saadoun- Bilbeis,
They appeared before the prosecution that accused them of belonging to an outlawed group and ordered them jailed for 15 days pending investigation.
The prosecution released Ayman Fahmi, from Zagazig, after he surrendered; however, the authorities still hold him in spite of the prosecution release.
5 Released, 4 still held
In a related context, Cairo Criminal court acquitted 5 Sharqiya MB leaders in Wadi Al-Natrun prison after they were arrested more than 6 weeks.
The Cairo Criminal Court approved the appeal lodged by the MB leaders and acquitted them. They will be released 15 days later unless the Interior Ministry objects or issues another arrest warrant.
Names of the released MB leaders:

1-Dr Mohsen Qahwa – Owner and manager of the Engineering Electronics company
2-Osama Ibrahim- employee in Azhar district- Zagazig
3- Mohamed Gouda – businessman- Menia El Kameh
4-Engineer Mohamedi Saad – an inspector at the Ministry of Trade – the village of Shrweda-Zagazig.
5- Mohamed Hassan Al Zayyat- owner of Da”wa bookstore in Fakous


The court rejected to acquit 4 others:

1 – Dr. Amir Bassam – a Muslim Brotherhood leader in Sharqiya and a professor at the Faculty of medicine- Asyut”s Al-Azhar university and the Brotherhood candidate in 2005 elections for Bilbeis constituency. 
2-Eng. Yasser Roshdi – manager at the township of Zagazig.
3-Ahmed Ibrahim Al Kordi – a merchant – from Manshiyat Saadoun, Bilbeis.
4-Mohamed Othman Ghaith- a student at Faculty of Sharia and Law- Tafhana Al-Ashraf – Bilbeis