- November 29, 2006
- 3 minutes read
40 MB Students Expelled From Cairo University Dorms

Dozens of Muslim Brotherhood students staged a public sit-in in front of the main gate of Cairo University’s dormitory on Tuesday afternoon 28/11/ 2006;protesting the administration’s continuous policy of excluding many students affiliated with the Muslim Brothehood from the dorms on security grounds. This time about 100 students, including 40 Muslim Brotherhood students were kicked out of dorms for security reasons!
In another development, 17 Muslim Brotherhood students from the Faculty of Agriculture faced investigations on charges of using boxes of cardboard as ballot boxes in the Free Union Elections and of spreading among students to urge them to participate in these elections;The students who faced the investigation are: Abdul Rahman Ahmed Abdou Mohamed Shaboun (son of the MB parliamentarian Ahmed Abdou Shaboun), Ahmed Gabr Hammouda, Ali Khattab, Ayman Abdul Samie, Mohamed Radwan, Ahmed Mohamed Abdul Fattah Abdul Wahed, Reda Fadl Abdul Ghaffar(4th year),and Mohamed Abul Abbas Farag Refaie, Abu Bakr Al Siddik Kamal Abdul Wareth (3rd year), Ahmed Salah Mohamed Abdul Baqi, Mohamed Ibrahim Nasr Hassan, Sameh Ahmed Mostafa Ahmed , Hamdi Mohamed Kamel Mohamed, Mohamed Samir Youssef Mohamed Bahaa,Al Shahat Abdul Ati Ismail, Moaaz Hussein Ali Ali Al-Darg (2nd year), and Ahmed Hanafi Abdul Hakim Mahmoud, Mahmoud Sobhi Zaki Hassanein, Ahmed Kamel Mahmoud Abdul Latif (1st year).
The MB parliamentarian’s son, student Abdul Rahman Ahmed Abdou Shaboun was referred by the University Vice Chairman to two other investigations in addition to this investigation: one of them with students Mohamed Abul Abbas Farag and Lotfi Adel Rajab Hamdan charged of hanging signs about the Free Union;the other because of a memo submitted by the dean of the Veterinary Medicine Faculty, accusing the student of participating in the Free Union elections in the Veterinary Medicine faculty, (although he is a student in the Faculty of Agriculture)!!!